Meet Claire Robinson & Win DOVE Chocolate

Sisters and Brothers, your Chocolate Priestess has an amazing opportunity to do a very high profile interview with one of the stars of The Food Network.  I'm sure many of you watch this cable challenge and I'm betting many of you have seen Claire Robinson's show 5 Ingredient Fix or the show she hosts called Food Network Challenge.  DOVE Chocolate offered me the opportunity to conduct an interview with Ms Robinson that you need to watch below.  Watch it all because at the end, I'm going to ask a question and anyone who leaves a comment with the correct answer will be entered into a random drawing for a gift basket of DOVE chocolate which I'll also discuss below the interview. (Update: the interview no longer is viewable; it was hosted by the Food Network so I do not have control over it. Sorry!)

 Did you like the interview?  Of course I had to focus on chocolate issues not just because this opportunity came from DOVE Chocolate but also because we are The Chocolate Cult, right?  To go along with the interview, DOVE also sent me a gift basket of their chocolate.  We've featured DOVE over the past year but this is our first giveaway with them. One of our followers can win a basket of 11 DOVE items -- 2 9.5oz bags of Dark Chocolate Promises, 3 3.3oz Roast Almond Dark Chocolate Bars, 3 3.3oz Dark Chocolate Bars, and 3 3.3oz 71% Cacao Chocolate Bars.  As you can see from the photo these all come in a nice rectangular basket that you can reuse as you like.  We haven't reviewed these particular DOVE products in the past so after the Valentine's and Easter rush we will do one or two featured reviews on the products in this basket but the giveaway is starting today. Let's get the necessities out of the way before I ask the question you need to answer to be entered. You must be a public follower of The Chocolate Cult.  You can do this three ways -- follow this blog, follow us on Facebook, or connect through Networked Blogs.  Please make sure you use the same name in your comment below so I can confirm.  If you include a note saying which way you are following that will help me a lot.  Any comment that does not address the question below for the contest will be removed so I have an accurate number for the giveaway.

You must include your email address in connection to your comment or I cannot get in touch with you. Note: This does not mean you should include your email in your comments -- no, don't do that, that will only invite spammers.  Instead make sure an email is listed under your contact information for how you are following us here -- for example, if you follow the blog directly, you can list your email in your information and I can access because you follow us.

You must also be living in any of the 50 United States of America or Canada -- our first giveaway that has this reach so I'm hoping to see a lot of correct answers from our Canadian, Alaskan, and Hawaiian readers.

Finally this giveaway will run from today, Monday January 16, through Friday January 20th when I'll announce the winner by 5pm Eastern Time.

So to win your very own gift basket, perhaps in time to give as a Valentine's Day gift, you have to leave a comment with an answer to this question: What is Claire Robinson's favorite recipe using chocolate?


CocoCinderella said…
Flourless Chocolate Lover's Cake!

Diana Fyre on Facebook -
Wyrenth said…
Flourless Chocolate Lover's Cake. :) Have to admit, I'm wondering about that one. I've only ever done flour cakes.

Facebook follower, and remove the Xs and 0s to de-antibot my e-mail:
I am going to say Flourless Chocolate Lovers' Cake, because I think it belongs to all chocolate lovers. (I moved the apostrophe, to be funny. Get it?! HA! I kill me!)

I am Amazing Barry on Blogger.
CrankieFoodie said…
Claire says it's her Flourless Chocolate Lovers' Cake. I would certainly give that a try!
liquidj said…
Great Interview! Claire's favorite recipie was the flourless chocolate lovers cake. Sounds yummy!
Anonymous said…
Flourless Chocolate Lover's Cake (4 ingredients so she needed a 5th for her show!). YUM!
Unknown said…
She likes the Flourless Chocolate Lover's Cake.

Jennifer Aldridge following you on Facebook
rishamoonshadow at yahoo dot com (my facebook settings may not let you see my email)