GIVEAWAY Blue Bunny Ice Cream in July 2011

It has been a while, Sisters and Brothers, since we had a giveaway here on The Chocolate Cult after the overwhelming number of giveaways for the 2010 Christmas season.

July is "National Ice Cream Month" and we have a lot of things planned for you.  The first up is a HUGE GIVEAWAY sponsored by Blue Bunny Ice Cream.

I grew with Blue Bunny Ice Cream and then I moved to the East Coast and then to Indiana and didn't see it for a while.  Now I'm seeing in in our local stores and I'm excited to do two featured reviews on their products via freebie coupons and to host this giveaway.

What can you win?

Blue Bunny Ice Cream will send one lucky public Chocolate Cult member a shipment of my, your Chocolate Priestess's, favorite products. So you can enter for a while and I'll be doing two featured reviews during the month on July 9 and July 30, 2011, with the winner announced on July 31, 2011, at Noon (Eastern).  Just because you can enter at any time, don't put it off.

Directions to Win the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Giveaway!

1. In a comment below tell your Chocolate Priestess what flavor of ice cream or novelty treat from Blue Bunny Ice Cream you think you'd love to try.   Check out their website for their full list.

NOTICE: Blogspot is having problems it seems with comments not posting. So if you are a Follower via Facebook you may also leave a comment there once to get an entry into the giveaway.

2.  You need to have a street address in the United States of America to win.  This is ice cream being delivered to you, it will melt if someone isn't there to get the delivery but we'll try to give you a heads up on that if you are the winner.

3.  In your comment about your favorite flavor, tell me how you are a public follower of The Chocolate Cult.  Make sure you are, I check and a few folks are not showing up where they claim.  Double check if you are at all uncertain and give me the name you are listed under.  You can follow via Google Friend Finder, Facebook, or Networked Blogs -- all are on the right hand side of the blog so go check and join or check what name you are under.

4.  Make sure you have an email linked to your comment or leave on in your comment -- be wary of spammers and don't cut and paste your email please.

Finally if you want extra chances to win you can spread the word about this giveaway.   Send a link for this giveaway to Facebook and include @TammyJo Eckhart so I see it.  Or Send a link to this giveaway to Twitter including @thetammyjo so I can see it. You can even "like" the King Arthur Flour page on Facebook and then thank them for the giveaway and I'll see that as well if you add @TammyJo Eckhart to your comment.

I'll be adding photos of the different flavors and treats I'm trying for July on our Facebook page so you if you follow us there, you can leave a comment and get another entry.

We will use to select our winner -- you're number will be the order in which your comments appear here and the order I see them on the above extra chances.


I am a follower, love Blue Bunny ice cream and would love to try pistachio with almonds! Love their ice cream banana split is my favorite but this is the one I want to try! thanks for a great giveaway!
PatronQueen said…
I am a follower on Facebook. I would love to try the banana split flavor. thanks - patronqueen
Anonymous said…
I am a devoted member of the Chocolate Cult, and I really can't make up my mind about the flavors I would try. There are so many!! But the Mint Grasshopper sandwiches are something I haven't tasted yet, while Banana Split is one of my favorite versions of their delicious ice cream (fist bump with Pegasuslegend) along with the Chocolate Seduction (which truly is). And even if I don't manage to win, thanks so much for making me drool, lol
Emily said…
I would probably go with my old favorite Cookies and Cream. Cannot beat that on a hot summer day!
SR said…
I am a follower...and I'm torn between Premium Ice Cream Chunky Chocolate Chip and Premium Ice Cream Super Chunky Cookie Dough®.

If I have to choose I'd probably go with the Chunky Chocolate Chip. :)
mavido79 said…
One of your facebook followers here. There are s lot of yummy looking choices but I think I'd like to try the Champ Chocolate Lovers Ice Cream Cone.
August E said…
I am a follower via Facebook. I would love to try the Red Carpet Red Velvet Cake ice cream. It's one of my favorite cakes and inspired by Duff from Ace of Cakes. I really love their Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Bars.
Torviewtoronto said…
lovely giveaway looks wonderful
I'm in France so won't work but just to say I can't stop laughing - Blue Bunny is such a great name for ice-cream! Lots of fun and great giveaway!
Erin said…
Great giveaway! I have been wanting to try their Mint Grasshopper Ice Cream Sandwiches!
Erin said…
Messed up with my comment - I should have put this above. I follow you on Google Friend Connect - and I like you on FB
kat8eyes said…
I'm on fb and check here frequently (and saw your article in the co-op newsletter!) I'd love to try the mint grasshopper, and I kno wmy family would also love the pb.
Anonymous said…
Test comment for pop-up window. Window has popped. We have confirmation. (I still like the same items as mentioned above: Mint Grasshopper sandwiches and Chocolate Seduction)
Anonymous said…
Oh, yeah....I'm listed as Susan Price on your FB. Probably should have said that. lol
Nice giveaway. I'm following. I like chocolate ice cream and vanilla.
~dab said…
GFC'd. I love their Chocolate Lovers Triple Chocolate Cake™. Also their Rocky Road :)
~dab said…
I tweeted
~dab said…
liquidj said…
I am a follower on Facebook, and would like to try the Peanut Butter Panic, ice cream :-)
Marian Allen said…
Hi! I'm a follower on Facebook and a True Believer in The Chocolate Cult.

If I won, I would want Super Fudge Brownie for me, or Banana Split for my Mom. She can't eat chocolate, and I'd rather not eat anything else!

Marian Allen
Rachel said…
I am a follower (#132) through Google.
For me Blue Bunny brings back terrific childhood memories, ones that I like to share with my children.
The favorite item from Blue Bunny has to be Champ! Chocolate Lovers Ice Cream Cones, really I think there is no comparison.
Rachel said…
I tweeted the giveaway @rachelkyle0402
Rachel said…
I posted a link on Facebook (Rachel Keefe Jacobs)
Rachel said…
I "like" King Arthur Flour and thanked them for the giveaway (Rachel Keefe Jacobs)
Kel said…
Yum Yum English Toffee Ice Cream Bars