Can Climate Neutral Chocolate Taste Good?

I worked with Social Nature again to get a few samples to test out and let you all know about. The downside of Social Nature currently is that they've switched from a send products to a get money back model. Why is this a downside? They are only using Walmart currently which requires me to make a trip across town, so unless I have to across town for another reason and can combine errands, this isn't feasible to me or even climate friendly. That matters especially with today's product I'm talking about: LOVO a "Swiss-Made" Milk Chocolate Bar. Also, I don't get the money back, I get an Amazon gift card in the amount, so not really equivalent. The things I do for you all just so you can learn about chocolate in full sensory ways. Let's get on with it!

There were two options for LOVO bars – "coconutmilk" and "hazelnutmilk". I really dislike coconut so I went with the hazelnut. This is a pet peeve of mine, but milk comes from animals, specifically mammals, so what this flavor title really means is that this bar is not made with any form of milk, which is supper weird for a "Swiss" chocolate, but note the "Swiss Made" label to make sure no lies are told. Without the milk this is a vegetarian/vegan product. It does use both cocoa mass and cocoa butter, so since the FDA says that milk alternatives are acceptable, I'll accept this for us to learn about on this blog.

The bar looks exactly as a milk chocolate bar should. It looks smooth and has 24 sections etched into it. Nine of those sections is a serving of 160 calories. It has a strong milk chocolate scent to it with no hint of hazelnut. It makes a nice soft snap when I break off a row and then a section; it also makes that snap the first bite through it. It is indeed creamy tasting but there is a strong sweetness and a hazelnut flavor that detracts from the chocolate flavor. The sweetness really lingered in my mouth, too.

Obviously, if you have a tree nut allergy you need to steer clear of this, but it also has sunflower lecithin in case that might be a problem for you. However, if you like your milk chocolate super sweet, and you are vegan or vegetarian, this might be a bar for you to check out. It was available in the "Candy Aisle" of my local Walmart. I'm not a big fan of this, but everyone is different when it comes to chocolate.
