June 2012 Chocolate Planner

Today is your Chocolate Priestess' 20th Wedding Anniversary. If we find anything related to chocolate on our trip this week, I'll post about it in the future.  But while I'm away I know that some of you want to get a head start on planning your meals and treats for June 2012.  Here are some ideas of fun food holidays you could celebrate with chocolate.

June = National Dairy Month

1st Friday June = National Donut Day, that fall on June 1st this year!

June 2 = National Rocky Road Day -- a flavor combination I love but my hubby can't have because of tree nut allergies

June 7 = National Chocolate Ice Cream Day -- I'll point out that July is an entire month of ice cream celebrations, do we need other days?

June 11 = National German Chocolate Cake Day -- now is this German's chocolate as in the brand or just a cake made in Germany?

June 12 = National Peanut Butter Cookie Day -- in the USA adding chocolate is all the rage with peanut butter unless you are allergic.

June 16 = National Fudge Day -- I may try making fudge for this date though I have never made it outside of the late fall and winter time before

June 22 = National Chocolate Éclair Day -- you know what these need?  more chocolate, the lack of chocolate in a chocolate éclair is rather sad

June 24 = National Pralines Day -- these often have chocolate covering them

June 26 = National Chocolate Pudding Day -- I'm the only one in my house who likes pudding

June 30, 1971 = "Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory" movie along with The Willy Wonka Candy Factory company is released on this date.  We have a regular review about some of their current chocolate scheduled for this date.

If you have any other fun food holidays you think would go well with chocolate, let me know about them in a comment.  If you plan to celebrate or just appreciate our little chocolate on the calendar posts, let us know, too.


Artbyasm said…
Hi. I don't know how I discovered your blog but I have a passion for chocolate as well. I am an independent confectioner and I love working with chocolate. I am relatively new at blogging recipes and creations. I am also a freelance visual and textile artist. I play a huge part of my Italian culture on things as well. Hope you will stop by my blog and follow.

Art By ASM
Hi, Annamaria.

Do you sell your confections or art? If you do, drop me an email via gmail using "thetammyjo" as the name and we can look into getting a feature about your work here on The Chocolate Cult.