What is Your Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe?

The second week of March is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Week so in honor of that, I want to learn about your favorite recipes. So please answer the following three questions (my answers are below) in the comments.

Where did you learn that recipe?

I got the Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe from my mother who had to include more fiber into her (and by extension our) diet.

Have you changed the recipe over the year?

Definitely! I've taken out a lot of the added fats and lowered the sugar content of the cookie. I also make it with whole grain flour and I'll use different types of chocolate chips in it.

How often do you make it?

Less often since I started this blog because I try so many other recipes but I think I make it at least once a year still.

I really want to hear from you so please leave comments and let me know. 

For this post, I will allow a link to your favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe if you have it online -- other links will be deleted however.

#nationalchocolatechipcookieweek #chocolatechipcookie
