Churro Cacap Pecan Crunch?

Our Coconut Acolyte took the lead for our review of Nature’s Heart Healthy Mixed Nuts Granola Snacks that came in three flavors; specifically she looked at the solo chocolate related flavor, Churro Cacao Pecan Crunch. That name sounds promising, doesn't it? Did it live up to her expectations? You'll have to keep reading to find out. As always, any of our assistants' words are in italics and the only changes have bee editorial for clarity or editorial comments which you will find in (). This variety of snack was sent to our Chocolate Priestess along with two other flavors from Nature's Heart via the Amazon Vine program. This blog article is a bonus review for that brand and no other compensation was received for our honest evaluation based on our Coconut Acolyte's experience with the product.

The pecans have mostly been chopped into smaller pieces. I found 2 whole pecans in the bag. The coconut flakes are large and obvious.Mostly I found them to be stuck to the pecans but there were a few unattached bits. The pepitas (pumpkin seeds) are small but easily recognized by their green color. The predominant scent comes from the pecan itself. The cinnamon from the churro mix is also present but I couldn’t detect any coconut or cocoa scent at all. I didn’t expect much of a sound from a nut but this did surprise me. There was a distinct crunch when I bit off a small piece from one of the pecans (that was found unchopped). With the addition of the churro coating and the coconut flakes, these pieces are quite rough, almost like large gravel. (That doesn't sound enjoyable at all.) Letting a piece sit on my tongue for about thirty seconds I first detected a slight buttery flavor.After chewing for a brief time the cinnamon became more pronounced, then finally the taste of the nut.Sadly, I never did find even a hint of the cocoa or coconut flavor despite one of the pieces having a large coconut flake attached to it. (For The Chocolate Cult, this is our most important factor.)

In short, I found this mix disappointing.If you’re just looking for a slightly sweet nut snack, this could be the one for you.If you’re looking for something where the flavors of the promoted ingredients shine through, walk on by. (Disappointing to read, Coconut Acolyte, but thank you for being honest about your experience with this product.)
