Do You like a little Dark Chocolate with your Cherries?

Tomorrow, July 16th will be National Cherry Day, so in honor of that, I'm going to share my experience testing out a grain-free granola product which includes dried cherries and dark chocolate. The Amazon Vine program sent me three, free bags of Ozery Bakery SeedWise Granola last year after the fun food holiday in exchange for reviewing it fairly on their site; this article is an unexpected bonus. I tried it well within the best use date and then set up this post for you all. I hope the product is still around for you to check out. The idea of grain-free granola is weird to me, it contradicts everything I know about granola. Yet, as we know, some folks with Celiac Disease or who are cutting back on certain grains, may have a interest in alternative products, so what Ozery Bakery is doing makes sense for those folks. Does it make sense for you and I? Is the chocolate and the cherry strong enough or balanced compared to the non-grain compounds in this granola? Let's find out.

The granola is primarily in clumps. I've seen granola in a similar fashion but primarily I've seen it more loosely mixed together. The clumps allow you to eat it more easily, sure. Everything you see are seeds, sweeteners, cherries, dates, and chocolate. The seed heavy pieces are quite crunchy and have a strong date sweetness to them; I didn't get any chocolate from those. The dried cherries are more tart in flavor and again no chocolate flavor. Where is the chocolate? Given the image on the bags, I was expecting a strong cocoa flavor at least but this has nothing. Frankly, might as well not have wasted any cocoa mass, cocoa liquor, or cocoa butter which are all listed in the ingredients. Deeply disappointing.
