Does this Ice Cream Deserve a Halo?

June 7th will be National Chocolate Ice Cream day. That has alway struck me as odd since National Ice Cream Month is July! Today we are going to look at two flavor from light ice cream maker, Halo Top. I've tried this brand in the past, so when I was offered two coupons to try out different flavors via the Social Nature program, I jumped at it. Before I lead you into the cold experience, let's get the legal statements out of the way. I was sent these coupons from Social Nature in exchange for promising to post an honest review on that site; no other form of compensation was received and this post on The Chocolate Cult is an unexpected bonus for Halo Top and Social Nature.

The first one I tried was Chocolate Ice Cream Cake. As you can see in the photo, it is light brown with some whitish ribbons and small dark pieces. It has cocoa scent but that dissipates fairly quickly. I let the pint sit open on the counter for about ten minutes because I prefer my ice cream that way. When I took a spoonful, I discovered it was airy and light in texture. The flavor is much like chocolate cake batter. The tiny bits of chocolate added a little kick of cocoa as well as a crunch when I encountered them. The white is indeed a thin ribbon that has a vanilla frosting flavor. It was excellent and I would eat it in the future.

The second flavor I tried was Chocolate Caramel Brownie. It looks just like chocolate ice cream on the top. It was smooth and had a slightly sweeter flavor than the previous making it inline with what I'd expect brownie batter to taste like. I didn't see any brownies pieces or lines of caramel but that flavor was there; since the ice cream seemed thicker, I think it was mixed in more than the previous type. I liked it quite a bit even though the lingering flavor was more caramel than chocolate.
