Chocolate in August 2011

Tomorrow is the first day of August.  Yes, yes, today I will indeed chose our Blue Bunny Ice Cream Giveaway winner but so you may plan ahead, here is a look at how you might celebrate with Chocolate in August.

August 2 = National Ice Cream Sandwich Day -- homemade, store bought, or ice cream parlor created

August 5 = National Waffle Day -- I love waffles

August 10 = National S'mores Day -- so many options once you get creative

August 12 = John Cadbury's Birthday (1801-1889) -- please tell me that Cadbury means something to you

August 18 = National Soft Serve Ice Cream Day -- sounds like a little trip out to me

August 20 = National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day -- I wish my friend would find her recipe so I could post an interview with her, she makes great chocolate pecan pie

August 24 = National Waffle Day -- clearly I'll need to do a post on why there are two such days in August let alone the year

August 27 = National Pots de Crème Day -- wonder if I can learn to make these?

August 30 = National Toasted Marshmallow Day -- we'll be returning to our friend at 240sweet for this celebration

Now to the GIVEAWAY.

We had 26 legitimate entries -- some people didn't state how they followed or didn't include me on their promotions so I couldn't check that they did them. I don't ask a lot, so please do follow the directions.

Using we chose Erin as our winner and SRas our runner up in case I can't contact Erin.


Wyrenth said…
Two waffle days means twice the waffle goodness! :) Hmm, I wonder if we have any powdered sugar...
I'm planning to do something for each day too this month... we'll see how well I do at that, huh?
briarrose said…
Waffle Day and S'mores much fun. :)
Lots of fun ways to celebrate with chocolate this month, briarrose.