Meet the Official Chocolatier for The Chocolate Walk 2016

Sisters and Brothers in Chocolate let's look at the official chocolatier for the Brown County Humane Society's Chocolate Walk this year, Crystal Jeffries. This is her second year helping the Society out directly. Welcome, Crystal, and thank you for talking with us today.

What does it mean to be the chocolatier for the Brown County Humane Society? What are your responsibilities?

What it means is I basically make the chocolate for the Humane Society. I have a store front (sic) but I would rather be the chocolatier for the Humane Society. If I can take one burden from them I am doing what I should be doing! So instead of having a number at my shop I pass out my cupcakes for at the Humane society's stop.

How were you chosen for this position?

 Last year my shop opened too late to be put in the brochure but I really wanted to be involved. Jane got ahold of me and asked me if I wanted to be their chocolatier instead. Of course I said yes!

Do you have pets and how does that connect  you to the Human Society?

I currently have 4 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 hamsters! All of them except for 1 dog and the 2 hamsters are rescued!

You also have a store in Nashville, Indiana, called Forever Sweet. Would you please tell us about it?

I opened on August 1, 2015. It's always been a dream of mine to own a shop and sell my cupcakes. I am still awe struck that it actually happened. I have 6 flavors everyday. I change those flavors about every 3 weeks. I offer a local, military, and student discount. I love what I do. 

Since you are the official chocolatier for the Brown County Humane Society, will your shop in Nashville be one of the stops on the walk on November 12, 2016?

My shop will not be a stop. However, since I am right next door to Boneappetit I will be open and it will be very easy to come in and get a cupcake! 

How long have you been working with chocolate and cocoa products?

I would say I have been working with cocoa products since I learned to bake.

What is your favorite product that you make at Forever Sweet?

My favorite cupcake I make is the pumpkin! Which I have right now!

Have you found that working with cupcakes makes you more of a fan of them (and chocolate) or has it made you less of a fan of sweets?

I would say I'm more of a fan. I have to force myself to go thru the day without eating them.

Finally, some people are intimidated by baking and working with chocolate. What advice would you offer someone who would like to make goodies at home but just is afraid they will fail?

It is all about trial and error. If you love what you do just keep at it. The love you put into will shine thru! 

Thank you, Crystal, for talking with us today. I hope when I'm at the Walk in November we'll have time to say "hi" to you in person and maybe get a photo. Sisters and Brothers, leave a comment to say "hi" to Crystal and if you are going on the Chocolate Walk, check out her shop.
