Make February 2019 Full of Chocolate

Welcome to our Fun and Serious Food Holiday with Chocolate for February 2019.

February = Celebration of Chocolate Month - an entire month? In the image below you can see not only roasted cacao beans along the top but also different chocolates and chocolate goodies.

February 1 = National Dark Chocolate Day

February 2 = National Heavenly Hash Day -- I've seen several recipes and some include chocolate!

February 5 = National Chocolate Fondue Day -- check out our articles about fondue including how to make it!

February 5/6 = World Nutella Day

February 6 = National Frozen Yogurt Day

February 9 = Chocolate Day

February 11 = National Peppermint Patty Day

February 14 = Valentine’s Day; National Cream Filled Chocolate Day

February 19 = National Chocolate Mint Day

February 25 = National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day

February 28 = National Chocolate Soufflé Day -- I've never made one. Should I try it this year? Leave me comments and let me know what you want me to do!

February 29 = National Cupcake Day (annual day in December)
