Does Moo-Phoria Bring Euphoria for Ice Cream Lovers?

July is National Ice Cream Month and the 3rd Sunday of July is National Ice Cream Day so to celebrate let's look at a new line of products from Ben & Jerry's, their Moo-Phoria line of light ice cream., P.B. Dough. I got this free pint of one of this new line with a coupon I got through my phone company, Credo, where we've been members for almost 25 years. They were not expecting this review so no form of compensation was received for this fair and honest evaluation.

There has been a flood of new lower calorie or even low calorie ice creams recently particularly in the pint sized offerings. I remember eating ice milk frozen treats with my mother as a child so the desire for yummy cold treats is nothing new. However, many of these brands, particularly the one promising high protein but lower calories, taste horrible. I'll just go without rather than eat more calorie or yucky tasting ones.

Moo-Phoria is not high protein nor does it claim to be low calorie but compared to the average pint of Ben and Jerry's with similar flavors and ingredients, the pint I tried is about the half the calories. This means this P.B. Dough pint has 640 calories not around 1200 calories. If you split it with another person, even better in terms of moderation.

The look is dark brown with a light reddish tint when I removed the lid. The scent was immediately cocoa which faded over time. The flavor was darker chocolate yet creamy in terms of the chocolate ice cream component of this treat. I ate the top off of the pint without encountering any cookie dough or a peanut butter flavor.

Ben & Jerry's Moo-Phoria P.B dough Ice Cream
About five bites into this frozen treat I found this, the small ball of peanut butter cookie dough which tastes very much like a less sweet version of that type of cookie that I've made many times at home. The ice cream tends to melt before you chew up the dough but I also found tiny chips of chocolate in the dough which was a happy surprise. The two flavor blend well but happily the darker chocolate was dominant.

Like all Ben & Jerry's ice creams, this is made with organic and fair trade certified ingredients. The flavor was excellent, some of the best light chocolate ice cream I've had in my lifetime. I would be thrilled with a pint of just this chocolate ice cream. This definitely earns a Sacrament Status which is rare for ice creams because the cold tends to dampen the flavor. Great job, Ben & Jerry's!
