Get Ready for National Snack Day 2020

March 4th is National Snack Day and that's just next week. What if you want to snack but you'd also like to think you were being healthy without having to put much work into making something for yourself or your family. CLIF put out their new MOJO line of bars that might fit the ticket. Today we're going to look at one specific flavor in depth because it has chocolate chunks. I was sent a box of the MOJO bars for free through Amazon Vine to test out and review on their website; no other form of compensation was received and this article is a bonus for both CLIF and Amazon.

The box contained three bars of four flavors: 

Salted Caramel Flow

Folk Revival

Finger Picking BBQ

Honey Srirocka

Today we're going to look at just the Salted Caramel Flow because it is the only one with chocolate and that's what this blog is about!

When I open the wrapper I am immediately hit by the scent of carmel followed by salt; no chocolate fragrance. Not surprising because there is supposed to be chocolate chunks and as you can see, there are not that many of them. You can also see the numbers and pretzels as well plus the glossy sheen of the caramel mixed with it all. It is easy to bite into a section without chocolate and that fact is disappointing. The caramel flavor is there but this is neither as sweet nor as salty as the description on the wrapper had me expecting. When I take a bite with a chocolate chunk I discover the chunk is more of a slice and it doesn't pack a bit punch compared to the peanuts and caramel that are clearly the dominant flavor. The bar is solid but also sticky, you don't really bite off a piece so much as pull it off. Each chew though does crunch.

For 210 calories in a bar, I was really hoping for more chocolate but those tree nuts and peanuts really are the primarily caramel flavor carriers. It isn't bad, just not as good as I wanted. I would love if you could just buy the flavors you want, too, and not a pre-packed set of flavors.
