Can Cocoa Butter Heal Scars?

We don't do a lot of products here on this blog that you can't eat or drink but we do some. Today I want to look at a product called KELODA Scar & Keloid Removal ROSEHIP Oil & Massager that I got for free via the Amazon Vine program which requires me to write an honest review for the product on that retailing site. I have several scars from surgeries and injuries I've had over the years so I knew I could test out this product and do so in a systematic and fair way. The reason I am sharing it today is that the product includes cocoa butter as one of the ingredients. The photos and words you are reading and looking at are completely honest about my experience in using this product over four weeks from November 8 to December 5, 2020. This article on The Chocolate Cult is an unexpected bonus for KELODA and Amazon; no other form of compensation beyond the free product was sent to me. 

Keloda Ingredient Label

I wanted to use a consistent testing protocol with this product: My partners helped me apply the oil to a scar on my upper right arm every day for four weeks. It had to be applied three times a day -- after my morning shower, before lunch, and then a half an hour before I went to bed. Each application took 5 minutes and I did time it using a stopwatch feature on my smartphone. That fell apart after one of my partners was exposed to COVID19 and he needed to isolate. Below you can see the starting scar I was testing this on and I cannot apply it alone. Three times a day was asking a bit too much from my other partner so after one week, I pulled back on the schedule. I will update this as I can.

Initial Reactions: Using product is very easy. The roller works well, the container is easy to hold in the hand. It has a good scent. The massage felt good though often the area started to feel a bit numb after 3 minutes but I think that was only because of the repetitive motion. The oil though did create a surplus on my skin and around the roller which required dabbing up the excess when we finished.

The Weekly Results:

The Scar at Beginning

Scar at End of 1st Week

At the end of the first week, the scar seemed more visible to me which is not what I was hoping for. It does, however, also look a bit less thick and bumpy.

Two weeks later, I have not had time to use it more, but the scar remains better so those changes have lasted.

Cocoa butter is a common ingredient in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. This fact has drive up the price of cocoa butter over the decades and contributed to white chocolate being one of the most lied about chocolate types out there. Remember, for food and drinks, white chocolate must include cocoa butter and never any other added fats or oils.
