Candy for Religious Easter Hunt?

For a lot of people, Easter is a time to be with family and to enjoy candy. For some us of Easter has a lot of religious meaning, indeed, we see Easter as primarily a religious holiday. For some folks, myself included, we know that Easter as it developed over the millennia is a mixture of Christian and early traditions, some religious, some not. Scripture Candy puts out a series of treats that target buyers who want to give more emphasis to the religious nature of life while enjoying the sweetness of candy; they put out candy for many holidays. That sounds like a perfectly fine goal. We're still going to evaluate their creations based on the chocolate involved as we do for all products. I got this bag of their Chocolate and Cream hard candies via the Amazon Vine program in exchange for a review on that website. Sharing my experience with the product here on The Chocolate Cult is an unexpected bonus for the brand.

It should be noted that the scripture used on the wrappers is from the King James Version of the Bible, an old and oft criticised version of the books. The wrappers are large so you aren't going to get a lot of text. The print is readable which is important.  The photo is just a handful I grabbed after opening the bag. I counted 14 different scriptures on the wrappers. They are split between what I'd call uplifting verses and warning verses.

The candies are a good size. Just over 1/2 inch thick and 3/4 inch across. As you can see they have a marbled appearance of the swirly light brown and white colors you might expect. I don't get any chocolate or cocoa scent from it, but it has a sweet and creamy fragrance.  The flavor was primarily sweet and creamy, too, but there was a subtle hint of something that could either be chocolate or light coffee. That didn't please me at all since there are reasons we have Mocha Acolytes here on The Chocolate Cult to test coffee flavored products.

The number one thing we need here on The Chocolate Cult is chocolate. We do not discriminate on the type of chocolate we'll cover. If a food or beverage product comes from cacao tree, we'll cover it here. We do require that it include something from the cacao tree however. This is where this product possibly fails. the Only "chocolate"listed is after Artificial Food Flavor on the label. If the flavor is not real, then this product cannot qualify for The Chocolate Cult. I checked the brand's website under "Chocolate" and this was listed, but the label is confusing, so unless I'm set clarification, I can't make a call on whether or not this is an appropriate product if you are looking for chocolate.

If you think that this candy might be enjoyable for your church, family, or friends, you can find it on Amazon at the link below. Know that I get a tiny fee if you buy using this link. If you want Easter themed treats, the brand does sell that as well.
