More Problems with Heavy Metals in Chocolate

Remember how study after study told us that darker chocolate was better for us? Better for our hearts, our moods, our blood pressure. That's because this is what medical experts and scientists were studying.

Then they turned their attention to possible metal contaminants in chocolate with studies. Today I want to share a couple of those articles with you for your consideration. 

Something I noted from the studies. It is not just where the chocolate comes from that matters, but it must be how it is turned into the chocolate product. If it were only a matter of farming or initial processing, the levels should be about the same, but they varied wildly by brand and type of chocolate product.

I will not stop eating 60-70 percent chocolate myself, I'll just try to avoid the brands with the most contaminants and be moderate in my consumption.

You must make your own decision. Consult your doctor if you wish.

Consumer Report Article

Consumer Report Article 1
