Eggnog in Candy Form

How many of you like Eggnog? National Eggnog Day falls on the Western Christmas Eve, December 24, but in case you want to try your eggnog a different way, I'm sharing this review here at the end of November because of some problems I had with this product. You see, I was supposed to review this for you all in 2022 as part of the Vine program on Amazon. However, the product which was offered to me before Thanksgiving 2022, didn't arrive until January 6, 2023! It was a brand new product type of Fannie May. Perhaps the orders for it overwhelmed them. In case that might be true this year, I wanted to share my opinions on this product sooner rather than later. Yes, I was sent a free box of Fannie May Eggnog Cream White Confection Holiday Candy in exchange for a review on Amazon; this is a bonus article and therefore no other form of compensation was received for writing about my experiences for you to read today.

The box the eggnog creams comes in is wrapped most like a Christmas gift. You can peel the paper off like you would another present. There is a label on the top and bottom that do not easily come off, so I recommend you wrap it again before giving it. 8 ounces of creams is about individual pieces, two of which make up a serving of 150 calories. Why is this food even here on The Chocolate Cult? Cocoa powder is used in the product, though it is not a main ingredient so this just barely makes it suitable for us to review. As you should know for all candy, the first ingredient is sugar, and there is both milk and soy if you have those allergies. 

Eggnog should taste creamy, sweet, and be thick, almost custard like. A lot of folks say it tastes "rich" meaning it tastes like it has a lot of calories and would satisfy any dessert desire. Normally it has cinnamon and/or vanilla added to it as well, but not cocoa powder so the fact that this has cocoa powder, makes it unique.
